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   YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
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   Autor  Beitrag: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City  (Gelesen: 9258 mal)


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Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #30 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 10:11:07am)
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War mir nicht mehr sicher, Danke Sui, dann können also alle nach 36 Std. Dawson wieder verlassen.

Und Hugh schon in Sicht?


Liebe Grüße

Was uns mit Hunden verbindet, ist die Tatsache, dass sie nichts an uns auszusetzen haben.

It:s All Good

 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 1408

Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #31 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 10:13:36am)
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Müsste jeden Moment auftauchen !!!!!

Gruss Sui

Viva Colonia


Letzte Änderung: Nordmann - Februar 9th, 2012 um 10:14:43am

It:s All Good

 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 1408

Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #32 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 10:39:59am)
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Hugh Neff nun als dritter des Dreigestirns In Dawson City eingefahren !!! So kurz vor der Narrischen Zeit sei mir das bitte erlaubt (Dreigestirn)?! Bin dann auch jetzt an der Matratze horchen bis später !!!

Gruss Sui

Viva Colonia



Ich mag keine Signaturen!

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Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #33 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 10:42:38am)
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Danke für Deine Berichterstattung.
Wünsche Dir schöne Träume.

Gruß  Chris




 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 423

Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #34 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 10:44:04am)
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Danke Sui für die Berichte    schon schei..e wenn man am arbeiten ist  und just in der zeit kommen die ersten drei nach D.C.  

Guten Nacht bis Später

ein dreifach......Helau,Helau,Helau


Gruß Dieter

nunwe wan yapia Anpetu


 Geschlecht: female
 Beiträge: 2603

Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #35 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 10:44:50am)
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Danke Sui, für deinen Kampf mit dem Netz und schlaf schön!


Liebe Grüße

Was uns mit Hunden verbindet, ist die Tatsache, dass sie nichts an uns auszusetzen haben.

Ich mag keine Signaturen!

 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 150

Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #36 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 10:44:51am)
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Danke Sui  für die Infos! Sehr interessant die Verschiebung der ersten Teams in DC.
Da kommt noch Spannung auf bis Wh.
Aber jetzt beginnt für die Teams eine verdiente Rast – auch für uns vor den PCs.


Move on to the North


Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #37 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 11:25:18am)
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Auch von mir ein Dankeschön Sui!




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Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #38 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 2:32:56pm)
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Ja- Superleistung mal wieder


fuer die News und Berichte hier im Forum!




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Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #39 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 4:10:32pm)
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Dieses Jahr lese ich nur mit, weil Sab nicht fährt.

Aber trotzdem und deswegen: Danke Sui für Deine Infos! Und danke an Peter & Co, dass es dieses Forum gibt.

Sui! Lass mir bitte meinen Trauzeugen Sab (Hochzeit im "Sab"tember) herzlich Grüssen.... auch wenn meine zukünftige deutsche Frau seit Jahrzehnten FC Bayern-Fan ist  



It:s All Good

 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 1408

Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #40 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 4:48:48pm)
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Paul das würde ich mir überlegen !!! Ja werde Ihn grüssen er müsste heute in Dawson City eintrudeln ?!

Gruss aus Dawson City


Viva Colonia




 Geschlecht: female
 Beiträge: 2603

Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #41 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 5:38:09pm)
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Hei Sui, ausgeschlafen?
Sag mal der Trailbreaker, der seit einiger Zeit auch beim live Tracker zu sehen ist, ist nicht zufällig Sab?


Liebe Grüße

Was uns mit Hunden verbindet, ist die Tatsache, dass sie nichts an uns auszusetzen haben.

It:s All Good

 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 1408

Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #42 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 5:49:30pm)
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Ich weiss das Sab auch da draussen irgendwo mit dem Skidoo unterwegs ist !!!

Gruss Sui

Viva Colonia




 Geschlecht: female
 Beiträge: 2603

Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #43 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 6:01:42pm)
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Ja, ist er! Hier ein Bericht von ihm auf FB (ich hoffe, dass ist in Ordnung?)

Armchairmusher Sebastian Schnuelle
Eagle at last. Wow, what a 24 hrs it has been. I left Circle at 1.30 p.m. and finally made it to Eagle here at 2 p.m.. 250 miles later, which should have been 150 miles. All Quest 1000 Mushers had left Circle and the checkpoint was winding down. Of the Quest 300 Mushers only Jimmy Lebling was left to go out. Right when... I got ready to hit the trail, I noticed on the tracker, that Maren Bradley had turned around. It took quite a bit of convincing in the morning, to get her to go out on the trail. She wanted to scratch and cited skinny dogs. Here dogs were just fine and she had 11 dogs left. But her head was not in the right frame of mind. But after all, different officials and veterinarians succeeded in talking Maren into giving it a shot and heading down the trail. On the trail, things still did not feel right to her and she turned around. Its hard to fill out a scratch form, the final step in a whole years of preparation coming to an end. Thinking this was my last “ call of duty “ there, I fired up the Iron dog and turned the nose south, Yukon bound. It was a beautiful ride. Some challenging riding through a slough all dammed up by beavers. I had to lift the machine around tight corners. Short after the beaver sloughs I came upon Michael Telpin resting on the trail. Mike Reitz and Dan were talking to him and I joined the group in some beautiful afternoon sun. Everything seemed fine, communicating with Telpin is difficult, as he speaks no English. He has some really neat looking dogs, they seem tough as nails. His harnesses are homemade. His clothing is fur. A true step back in time. I would love to spend somem time in his home country to learn his way of life. A few miles down the trail I came upon Nikolai Ettyne, also camped on the trail. We had a short talk, and he was fine too, I snapped a few more pictures and head on down the trail. Passing Marcelle, Misha and Brian I finally made it to Slavens around 4.30 p.m.. Much faster time with the iron dog than with my trusty old gang. Right when I was about to leave again, wanting to avoid running much at night, the radio crackled up and Eagle Dispatch asked if I was in Slavens. Affirmative… Next thing I was told not to leave and await further instructions. Word was, that one of the 2 Russians had activated the emergency button on his tracker, and I were to go back to check on them. BACK? I had going back, but no choice here and Scott from the Park Service joined me. I was glad to have some company, as this was going to be a very long trip. Ultimately all the way back to Circle. Tell tails along the trail started telling the story, that Nikolay had turend around several times, eventually ditching his dogfood and running back to Circle. We caught up to him about 20 minutes after he made it back there. This was a cold run…. It was much colder in Circle than in Slavens. 2 of his 9 dogs needed to be dropped. That left him with 7 dogs, and 750 miles to go. I personally hate scratching, and in the morning tried hard to talk Maren Bradley out of it. But in this case, it seemed better that Nikolay would not continue. After also calling Russ Bybee the owner of the dogteam, Nikolay made the hard, but ultimately best decision for the dogs to not continue. 2 Scratched in one day. Not nice. Betty came back to the checkpoint, fried up some burgers. Many phone calls later all was arrange for Nikolay to be picked up in Circle, as everybody had long ago left. Luckily some of the Quest 300 guys were still in Central. Well, time to turn the iron dog south again, back to Slavens. A 3rd time going through those d**mn beaver sloughs was getting very frustrating. I was sure glad to make it back to Slavens in one piece at 2.a.m. Quite the day. All teams but Micheal Telpin had left. A few hours of sleep,, time to feed the iron dog some 91 grade and load back up. Thanks for the park service crew for their hospitality and great food. Well fueled our next destination was Eagle. On the upside, of this long trip, my snowmachine skills are improving, I am not falling off the trail as often anymore and see my speedometer at 50 mph every once in a while. First team passed was Telpin, than Marcelle Fressineau camped out, next were Brian and Misha. Misha was glad she could warm up her hands on the snowmachine muffler. Both Brians and Mishas teams looked good. Further down the trail I stopped in at a few cabins along the way, finally meeting up with Photographer Harry Kern, as we had originally planned to travel together. So I can only tell you the stories from the back of the pack , as I have hardly seen anybody else. If I want to see any of the other mushers, I should continue tonight to 40 Mile Cabin, some 100 Miles away. Not sure about that one yet…., first time to have some food with my buddy Wayne Hall!!!!Mehr anzeigen..


Liebe Grüße

Was uns mit Hunden verbindet, ist die Tatsache, dass sie nichts an uns auszusetzen haben.

It:s All Good

 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 1408

Re: YQ 2012 Renn-Thread: Eagle - Dawson City
(Antworten #44 Datum: Februar 9th, 2012 um 6:09:39pm)
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Gerade um 9.01Uhr Ortszeit im Yukon  fuhr der Norweger Joar Leifseth Ulmson vom Team Beringia in Dawson City Ein. Seine Hunde machten einen guten Eindruck und schauten sich um als Joar stoppte als wollten Sie sagen: was es geht nicht weiter ?!

Gruss Sui

Viva Colonia


Letzte Änderung: Nordmann - Februar 9th, 2012 um 6:10:31pm
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