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 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 100

Alaska andere (unbekannte?) Seite
( Datum: Februar 14th, 2005 um 10:02:11am)
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from the usa today (02/14/05):

Extensive new study details states' drug, alcohol use
By Donna Leinwand, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Alaska has the nation's highest rate of illegal drug use; binge drinking is particularly prevalent in the upper Midwest; and Utah's reputation as a clean-living state is well-deserved, according to a landmark federal study.
The study, to be released Monday by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, combines data from 136,000 interviews conducted in 2002 and 2003. The large number of interviews and the depth of the surveys provide extraordinary detail about the roles that drugs, alcohol and tobacco play in Americans' daily lives. (Related story: 1 in 5 have binged recently)

Health officials will use the information to help shape anti-drug campaigns and rehabilitation programs. Among the study's findings:

• The states with the highest percentage of people who said they had used illicit drugs during the previous month, in addition to Alaska, were Colorado, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and the District of Columbia.

• Binge drinking was a problem across the nation, but particularly in North Dakota, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Northern cold-weather states typically had the highest percentages of binge drinkers — those who said they had had five or more drinks in one sitting during the previous month. Nationally, almost 23% of Americans had binged on alcohol within the past 30 days. Six Northeastern states had the highest rates of alcohol use, led by New Hampshire at 59.8%. North Dakota had the highest rates of binge drinking and alcohol abuse and dependence.

• Utah had the nation's lowest rates for drug use, alcohol use and binge drinking. More than 70% of the state's 2.3 million residents belong to the Mormon Church, which opposes drugs or alcohol.

• Most of the states where residents use alcohol the least were in the South. But Southerners were among the biggest users of another vice: tobacco.

The study is one of the broadest yet on the USA's drug problems and will become the baseline to which other studies will compare data.

Charles Curie, the substance abuse agency's administrator, said the numbers reflect that fewer youths are using illegal drugs, but alcohol is as popular as ever. "We're seeing illicit drug use among youth go down, but we're seeing binge drinking remain stubbornly at the same levels," he said. "That whole range, in every state, is just way too high."




 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 222

Re: Alaska andere (unbekannte?) Seite
(Antworten #1 Datum: Juni 26th, 2005 um 12:52:20pm)
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das ist wohl die etwas "andere Seite" von Alaska. Kann mich erinnern, dass es auch so schlimm war als wir am Yokon waren. In Circle gab es einige sehr betrunkene Leute. Sie waren nicht unfreundlich oder gar bösartig, sondern nur stark angetrunken. Aber ich denke auch mal, dass es auch in vielen anderen Ländern mit den langen Wintern diese Probleme gibt (z.B. Skandivanien, Russland, ect.)



Meister Yoda: "Dunkel die andere Seite ist...sehr dunkel..."

Obi-Wan: - "Sei ruhig Yoda, und iss endlich deinen Toast!"
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