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Beitrag: Schandelmeier vs peta (Gelesen: 3333 mal) |
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Mush on!
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Mush on!
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Re: Schandelmeier vs peta
(Antworten #3 Datum: Februar 13th, 2018 um 11:41:16pm) |
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am Februar 13th, 2018 um 11:37:45pm schrieb admin : Also ich schreibe in Zukunft peta klein:
peta NIMM DAS!!! Zitierten Beitrag lesen
?? Ehm, vielleicht bin ich schon zu müde... Wie meinst'n du das jetzt?? gespeichert
Solange der Mensch denkt, dass ein Tier nicht fühlt, fühlt das Tier, dass der Mensch nicht denkt! (unbekannt)
Ich mag keine Signaturen!
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Mush on!
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Never above....... never below..... ever beside !
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Re: Schandelmeier vs peta
(Antworten #7 Datum: Februar 14th, 2018 um 3:55:56pm) |
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Um 2002 war ich mit dem YQ recht beschaeftigt und trug viele Namen. Unter anderem war ich 'Vorsitzender des YQ "Communication-Komitees'. Dies hies unter anderem, dass wir versuchten gute Artikel auf der YQ Webseite zu veroeffentlichen. Als ich in 2002 (?) waehrned des Dawson Layovers Tieraerzte bat fuer die damals neue Sektion der Webseite (Tierpflege im YQ), ein paar Artikel zu schreiben waren die meisten der Tieraerzte ein bisschen muede. Dr. Vanek und zwei andere Aerzte waren damals allerdings trotzdem bereit Artikel zu schreiben die wir waehrend des Rennens veroeffentlichen konnten. Nachdem das Communicationskomitee vom 'YQ Board of Directors" in 2004 zur Aufgabe gezwungen wurde und neue Leute die Webseite uebernahmen, wurde die gesamte Sektion 'Tieraerzte' auf der Webseite komplett mit allen gesammelten Artikeln geloescht, was ich eigendlich schade finde. Dr Vanek gab mir damals seinen Artikel zur Veroeffentlichung am Valentins Tag und ich habe ihn behalten. Hier im naechstem Post also zum Valentins Tag (aber leider in Englisch) nochmals der wirklich tolle Artikel eines YQ Tierarzte.... Peter
Never above....... never below..... ever beside !
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Re: Schandelmeier vs peta
(Antworten #8 Datum: Februar 14th, 2018 um 3:56:45pm) |
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Every year on Valentine's Day we should discuss matters of the heart.
If you take an elephant and put it on a scale and record its weight, and then you remove its heart and weigh it, and finally divide the weight of the heart by the weight of the elephant, you will get a dividend of approximately 0.6 percent.
Then, if you take a mouse and put it on a scale and record its weight, then remove its heart and weigh it, and finally divide the weight of the heart by the weight of the mouse, you also will get a dividend of approximately 0.6 percent.
Now, if you take a human or a cow and weigh either one, then weigh its heart and put it on a scale and record its weight, and finally divide the weight of the heart by the weight of the person or the bovine, you still will get a dividend of approximately 0.6 percent.
In fact, if you compare the size of the heart of any mammal to its total size you will always get a ratio of roughly six-tenths of one percent. And, you can even plot these comparisons on a graph, with animal weights along the bottom and heart weights along the side. You will get a straight line with a slope of 0.6%.
All mammals' heart weight ratios will lie near this line. Except for the dog.
If you compare the weight of a dog's heart to its total body mass you will get a ratio of 0.8%. That's a third again as large as other mammals!
Now, a human marathon runner's heart will increase in size under intensive training, perhaps up to 0.8%, which is an average dog's size. But, a marathon racing husky's heart also will increase with lots of exercise, from 0.8% to 1.0%. All the training in the world will never give a human super-athlete a heart as proportionately large as a sled dog's. Marathon huskies are the aerobic super-athletes of the world.
Even more interesting is how the sled dog got that way. We would like to assume that humans "engineered" the sled dog from a wolf into an aerobic marathon runner through selective breeding--the way we have turned the water buffalo into a milk cow, or the way we morphed the wolf into the poodle, the chihuahua, the great Dane, and the shih tsu. But, we'd be wrong.
It turns out the wolf also has a heart size ratio far higher than other mammals.
Wolves are born to run long distances and they have been for as long as there have been wolves and the wide-ranging prey upon which they feed. And, sled dogs, with whom wolves share a common ancestor, have carried aerobic wolf genes in their chromosomes for millennia. We humans have done little to make the sled dog a marathon runner. They evolved for it.
We may have selectively molded the wolf into the Irish setter or the Dalmatian or the Mexican hairless on the outside, but on the inside, the dog's physiology has changed very little for thousands of years. Like its lupine cousins, who will routinely trot up to 50 miles per day as a pack in search of game, the sled dog will trot along with its team mates for hours on end, reveling in the arctic scenery, and knowing that there's a hot meal waiting up ahead.
If humankind had stood on the shores of the Great Flood as it receded, and surveyed all of the pairs of critters disembarking from Noah's ark, to choose the one best animal with which to run a thousand-mile sled dog race, the wise person would have chosen the dog.
While it is doubtful that this is how it happened, there is no question that the aboriginal inhabitants of the Arctic made the right decision when they let the friendlier of the wild dogs of the North creep toward their fires to scavenge the crumbs of their feasts. For that first courageous overture, the primitive wolf's descendants have been amply rewarded with the best food, shelter, and humane care possible in such a harsh environment. In return, the aboriginal peoples, and the white immigrants with whom they shared their knowledge of the wilds, were given the greatest of all athletes in the world to carry their loads and share their journeys under the northern lights.
So on Valentine's Day, when our thoughts turn to open hearts, thankful for all of the loves in our lives, we mustn't forget to put our arms around that super-athlete at our feet. He's got the biggest heart on the planet.
Dr. Jerry Vanek has been a musher or sled dog race veterinarian for the past 30 years, including five Yukon Quests. He is a former officer of the ISDVMA and he continues to write and speak widely on the subject of sled dog medicine.
Author: Jerry Vanek, DVM gespeichert
Mush on!
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Never above....... never below..... ever beside !
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Das sind keine Hundehaare, das ist Husky Glitter !
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Re: Schandelmeier vs peta
(Antworten #13 Datum: Februar 14th, 2018 um 8:42:41pm) |
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Es freut mich, dass die Meinung, die ich von peta schon lange habe, jetzt von etwas unerwarteter Stelle bestärkt wurde.
Was die Herzgröße von Schlittenhunden anbetrifft, musste ich schon eigene, nicht ganz so erfreuliche, Erfahrungen machen.
8 Jahre hatte mein Rüde schwerste Schlitten durch N's + S's Norden gezogen. Als er dann zu mir kam, fiel mir bald ein öfter wiederkehrendes, sehr spezielles Hecheln auf. Eine Untersuchung ergab, dass er ein übergroßes "Sportlerherz" besass. Es drückte bereits auf Luftröhre und Lunge.
Mit einer entsprechenden Medikation und einem ausgearbeiteten Abtrainingsprogramm gelang es uns, seinen Zustand zu stabilisieren. So hoffen wir, dass er Mitte Mai noch seinen 16. Geburtstag feiern kann.
Die Maßnahmen sind wohl erfolgreich gewesen.
Mush on Swabian Snowdog gespeichert
Das wirkungsvollste Mittel gegen Stress & schlechte Laune hat ein Fell, vier Pfoten und bellt ! “Als ich die Hand eines Menschen brauchte, reichte mir jemand seine Pfote“
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Re: Schandelmeier vs peta
(Antworten #14 Datum: Februar 14th, 2018 um 9:14:27pm) |
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Es freut mich, dass die Meinung, die ich von peta schon lange habe, jetzt von etwas unerwarteter Stelle bestärkt wurde.
Du hättest den Artikel ja auch schreiben können - du hast ja alles schon vorweggenommen.
@Peter Etwas versteckt das ganze: unter
about -> education -> sleddogs
und dann:
Veterinary Program Articles
Yukon Quest Veterinary Program Why Vets Love the Yukon Quest Water, Water Everywhere The Use of Massage Therapy in Sled Dogs Stanley: An Amazing Yukon Quest Sled Dog Story The Future of Sled Dog Veterinary Medicine The Pre-Race Veterinary Examination for Sled Dogs Observations from a 1st Year Yukon Quest Veterinarian Matters of the Heart The Mathematics of Mushing Leg Protection for Sled Dogs LAF-ing at a Dog Team Excellence in Sled Dog Care The Evolution of Sled Dog Veterinary Care Dropping Dogs Sled Dog Veterinary Care in Dawson City Canine Foot Care on a 1000-mile Trail
Die YQ-Seite war dieses Jahr auch von hier sehr langsam , besonders die aktuellen Rennstände. Das war mal schneller.
ragnar gespeichert