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   Erdbeben in Alaska
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Erdbeben in Alaska
( Datum: Juli 28th, 2006 um 5:06:52pm)
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Gestern frueh wurden wir hier durch ein Beben aus dem Schlaf gerissen.......hier ist die story dazu (aus den Anchorage Daily News, online edition, 7/28/06):

An early-morning earthquake jolted Anchorage awake Thursday, rocking buildings, rattling windows and shocking slumbering locals and visitors during the height of Alaska's busy tourist season.

No one was hurt and nothing was damaged in the 5:18 a.m. temblor, officials said.

With a 4.8 magnitude, it lasted just a few seconds. Despite its humble scale, many Anchorage residents said it felt like the biggest quake they'd experienced in years.


Location, location, location.

"It was virtually on top of Anchorage, or, I should say, below Anchorage," said Justin Ferris with the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center in Palmer.

In geophysical terms, that means the epicenter was about eight miles east of the Tudor-Muldoon curve, under the western edge of Chugach State Park or, more specifically, Temptation Peak.

The quake was widely felt across Southcentral Alaska.

The jolt and jiggling woke Barbra Treptow at her Sand Lake home. Windows on the second story clattered like they wanted to collapse, she said.

"It's been awhile, so I didn't know if I should go under the covers or under the bed."

Since 1976, the biggest earthquake within a 20-mile radius of Anchorage was a 5.1 magnitude on Dec. 5, 1997. About 20 earthquakes have been centered in that radius in the past 30 years, said Bruce Turner, a geophysicist with the tsunami warning center.

Something else boosted the quake's punch in the Anchorage Bowl -- or at least the perception of it, said Steve McNutt, a University of Alaska Fairbanks geophysics professor.

The soft clay beneath the city can shake like Jell-O, making seismic waves feel more powerful and wobbly than if Anchorage were sitting on solid bedrock, he said.

Bellhops in Anchorage's "sky-scraping" hotels said the earthquake felt stronger than its magnitude, especially for snoozing tourists on upper floors of swaying buildings.

Bellhop Ron Owen in the Hotel Captain Cook -- where the tallest tower is 20 stories -- said the boom and then the shaking startled an early-bird airline crew. Walking through the lobby when the jiggling began, they dashed for an exit and the presumed safety of the street.

"You never know if there's going to be a second one," he said.

The hotel's front desk took a flurry of calls minutes after the earthquake, he said, and a few tourists asked the hotel to send copies of newspaper articles about the event.

"It's the talk of the day," said Owen late Thursday morning, standing at a bell desk near a small mountain of black luggage.

At The Hilton Anchorage, JoAnn Weakley of Southside, Tenn., jerked alert in her swaying bed on the 11th floor after she heard a boom.

She thought terrorists were starting World War III.

"Well, you never know," said the white-haired Weakley, shrugging as she and husband Glenn Weakley sipped lattes in the hotel cafe after a stroll through flower gardens downtown.

"We've had earthquakes in Tennessee," she said. "Twice."

"But not like this," her husband finished, meaning not as powerful.

The quake was the result of the North American continental plate and the oceanic Pacific plate rubbing against each other deep under the earth, Turner said.

The quake got people's attention. The U.S. Geological Survey's Web site, which lets Web surfers fill out a confidential survey about their earthquake experience, received more than 1,000 e-mails Thursday. The zip codes ranged from the Kenai Peninsula to Talkeetna.

That's a lot of comments for a moderate temblor, McNutt said.

Information from the surveys -- such as how long the quake lasted and whether pictures were knocked off walls -- are compiled into an intensity scale that's sort of like a wind-chill factor for earthquakes, he said. It describes how the earthquake felt.

The comments will be analyzed in the coming days, he said.

Tourist Dianne Cooke from Australia, relaxing on a couch in the Hilton lobby after the excitement, said she sprang out of her sixth-floor bed and peeled back the curtains to make sure the 15-story tower wasn't falling.

"I looked out and said, 'Oh, God, let's hope it's not going to be too bad.' "



Never above....... never below..... ever beside !

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Re: Erdbeben in Alaska
(Antworten #1 Datum: Juli 30th, 2006 um 6:34:43am)
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4.8 auf der Richterscala ist schon ganz gut....
Alaska ist eines der erdbebenreichsten Gebiete der Welt. Leichtere Erdbeben gibt es hier fast jeden Tag. Ein Grossteil davon passiert allerdings in der Aleuten Inselkette, die nur kar bewohnt ist.
Wer sich dafuer interessiert:

Vor langer Zeit schon wurde AEIC , das 'Alaska Earthquake Information Center' eingerichtet.
Es exestiert unter der Zusammenarbeit der Universitaet Fairbanks, deren Erdsensoren tief in alten, unbenutzten Goldmienenschaechten und anderen Orten vergraben sind und verschiedener Laboratorien.

Auch ich bin schon mehrere Male in Fairbanks nachts wachgeruettelt worden. Einmal bin ich rausgerannt und mein Truck schwang gemaechlich in den Federn waehrend sich die Baeume wie im Wind wiegten. Ein dumpfes 'grollen' war zu hoehren.....
Wer in Alaska lebt und nachts nach dem Beben nicht gleich wieder einschlaeft kann sich ca. 1 1/2 Stunden spaeter die "Information Page" des AEIC angucken. Dort wird dann der wissenschaftliche Bericht ueber das Erdbeben erscheinen:
Das von Charlie erwaehnte Beben fand am 27.Juli statt und wurde ein 'leichtes' Beben genannt.
Die haben in Fairbanks gut reden, wenn es in Anchorage ruettelt....  

Tagsueber, wenn nicht nur die 'Nachtwache' zugegen ist, sind Berichte schneller zu finden.
Ein Blick auf diese Seite zeigt allerdings auch, wieviele Erdbeben es in Alaska fast tagtaeglich gibt.
Danke fuer den Bericht, Charlie.



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