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   Alaska-Info Forum
   Prudhoe Bay oil spill
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   Autor  Beitrag: Prudhoe Bay oil spill  (Gelesen: 1332 mal)

leave the comforts behind !

 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 162

Prudhoe Bay oil spill
( Datum: April 13th, 2005 um 9:01:11am)
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das stand heute in der ADN (anchorage daily news):

Prudhoe Bay oil spill reported

State pollution officials are investigating a pipeline leak in the Prudhoe Bay oil field that sent crude oil spraying over a large area of snow-covered tundra.
The spill, which occurred just after midnight Tuesday, came after a high-pressure oil line sprang a leak, spewing oil that was carried by the wind over an area state officials estimate at 100 to 200 acres.
Crews for BP Exploration (Alaska) are working on a cleanup, which is expected to be very effective as workers can simply scoop up the oiled snow with shovels, an official with the state Department of Environmental Conservation said.
Neither the state nor a spokesman for BP could estimate the amount of spilled oil involved.

100 bis 200 acres sind umgerechnet immerhin eine fläche von 40 bis 80 hektar. 1ha = 100x100 meter.



leave the comforts behind !

 Geschlecht: male
 Beiträge: 162

Re: Prudhoe Bay oil spill
(Antworten #1 Datum: April 14th, 2005 um 4:55:23pm)
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heute kam dann die entwarnung. es sah schlimmer aus als es war...
... nur rund 50 acres sind mit dem öl verschmutzt worden. und man nimmt an, das zwischen 10-30 barrel (!!) öl ausgelaufen sind.

1 barrel = 159 liter


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