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Beitrag: Welche Alaska-Barbie bist du? (Gelesen: 5622 mal) |
Welche Alaska-Barbie bist du?
( Datum: August 24th, 2010 um 9:32:16am) |
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Hallo zusammen,
habe gerade folgenden Beitrag in der Alaska-Gruppe bei XING gefunden und wollte ihn euch nicht vorenthalten:
Anchorage Barbie This fit Barbie has a graduate degree in science, resources management, and/or is an environ-mental lawyer. Comes with brand new Subaru with roof rack holding skate skis and a kayak. Ac-cessories include running tights, cross-trainer shoes, a husky named Kobuk, and a cell phone. Boyfriend Ken comes in seasonally employed climbing guide, fishing guide, or Girdwood bar-tender models. Sold at New Sagaya.
Wasilla Barbie This Barbie comes with big hair, country music CDs, a .44 Magnum and a bible. Weekender Kit includes snow machine, 4-wheeler, and fishing boat. Brand new duplex dream house and lake cabin are also available (sold separately). Ken comes with a Ford F-350 Diesel pick-u truck with gun rack and trailer, his own snow machine, 4-wheeler, boat, and .44 Magnum. Ken is available every other two weeks when he is not working on the Slope. Alternative Military Ken available by special order. Sold at Wasilla Wal-Mart.
Fairbanks Barbie This graduate school Barbie kit includes a tiny cabin with detached outhouse. This Barbie has hairy legs, hat hair, and a fleece jacket covered with dog fur. Accessories include extra long johns, shower bag, head lamp, case of Ramen noodles, and bug dope. Also available is a beater, 1979 model Subaru, complete with plug-in, ice scraper, shovel, and set of studded tires. Ken is either at the Marlin, the Howling Dog, the Loon, out hunting, doing field work, or is long gone. Sold at Big Rays.
Ketchikan Barbie K-town Barbie lives in an old leaky sailboat that is moored down in Thomas Basin -- in a slip that is conveniently located just off the ramp directly below the Potlatch Bar. For basic transport, she runs a beat up old 18' skiff that has a rundown Johnson 30 hp outboard that leaks oil. She can out fish most any old Norwegian bachelor fisherman; can cut down old growth cedars faster than most any drunken old Swede logger; and can shoot and skin black tail deer that foolishly wander down to beach at sunset faster than any alcohol fueled Finn bushwhacker. Her Ken can be found anytime, day or night, on the deck of the Alaskan Bar pontificating -- often with wild, exaggerated arm waiving and finger pointing -- as to exactly where the Bridge to Nowhere is going to land over on Pennock Island.
Sitka Barbie Sitka Barbie has most of the same endearments as K-town Barbie except she recently shot her Ken in what is colloquially known as a Sitka divorce. She took the life insurance money and pur-chased a brand new 26' Hewescraft "Alaskan" with enclosed heated cabin and a 200 hp Honda outboard. Sold only at a kiosk on the cruise ship dock during June, July & August.
Barrow Barbie This Barbie comes with blonde hair with dark roots, kuspuk and parka. Accessories include a 650cc Skidoo snow machine, tiny ulu and baleen carving kit. Ken alternates between being a whaling captain and working for the North Slope Borough. Available at the northern most KFC store.
Juneau Barbie This Barbie comes with membership cards for the Alaska Democratic Party, AFSME/AFL-CIO and Alaska Conservation Voters, little red X-tra Tuff boots and an un-used fishing outfit. She lives in tiny apartment above an obscure bar and works as a secretary in the State Office Building. Drives rusty Subaru Forester, but has peeled the "Forester" lettering off because she feels that logging is evil. Ken claims to be a fisherman, but actually he is also a secretary in the State Office Building. Available in gift shop at the Baranof.
Valdez Barbie This Barbie was not born here, comes with an Alyeska modular or a brand new cookie cutter house by Stan Peterson. This Barbie is best accessorized with an Alyeska husband. She drives a brand new Chevy Suburban, or other large 4x4 vehicle, needs it to get her over Thompson Pass when it has snowed 5' overnight. Has 2.5 children and runs all over town shuttling them from event to event. She typically does not mind the snow or rain, but is always complaining about the weather regardless. Valdez Barbie also spends her weekends shopping in Anchorage although she could get the same thing at the Prospector or so the ad says.
Kenai Barbie Kenai Barbie is just a weekend Anchorage Barbie that fishes.
Homer Barbie Homer Barbie spends summers on the Spit and winters going from protest to protest, also hears voices in her head.
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Re: Welche Alaska-Barbie bist du?
(Antworten #1 Datum: August 24th, 2010 um 3:42:44pm) |
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Wenn Alaskan Barbie the Ken Dolls irgendwo auftritt solltest Du Dir das nicht entgehen lassen, wir haben die beim letzten Mal auf einem Harley Treffen gesehen, die sind wirklich klasse.
Kupfi gespeichert

North to the future!
Beiträge: 471
Re: Welche Alaska-Barbie bist du?
(Antworten #2 Datum: Oktober 23rd, 2010 um 2:13:56am) |
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am August 24th, 2010 um 9:32:16am schrieb Baumjoe : Wasilla Barbie This Barbie comes with big hair, country music CDs, a .44 Magnum and a bible. Weekender Kit includes snow machine, 4-wheeler, and fishing boat. Brand new duplex dream house and lake cabin are also available (sold separately). Ken comes with a Ford F-350 Diesel pick-u truck with gun rack and trailer, his own snow machine, 4-wheeler, boat, and .44 Magnum. Ken is available every other two weeks when he is not working on the Slope. Alternative Military Ken available by special order. Sold at Wasilla Wal-Mart. Zitierten Beitrag lesen Na, das nenn ich doch mal eine gelungene Charakterisierung  gespeichert
Re: Welche Alaska-Barbie bist du?
(Antworten #3 Datum: Oktober 24th, 2010 um 8:49:26pm) |
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Hey Charlie,
dann bleibe bitte die Wasilla-Barbie und nimm dir das folgende nicht zu Herzen:
Vater beim Weihnachtsgeschenkeinkauf: "Ich glaube, Barbie-Puppen sind doch ganz aktuell. Haben Sie welche und was kosten die?", sagt er zur Verkäuferin. Die antwortet: "Natürlich haben wir Barbie-Puppen. Da gibts "Barbie zu Hause" für 19.90 ,"Barbie am Strand" 19.90, "Barbie als Prinzessin" 19.90, "Barbie in der Disco" 19.90 und "Barbie-geschieden" 365.95" "Warum ist "Barbie-geschieden" denn so teuer", fragt der Kunde. "Tja", sagt die Verkäuferin, "bei "Barbie-geschieden" gibt's noch einige Sachen dazu. Zum Beispiel : Ken's Auto, Ken's Haus, Ken's Boot..."

Baumjoe gespeichert

North to the future!
Beiträge: 471