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Beitrag: Telefonieren in Alaska (Gelesen: 3707 mal) |
Telefonieren in Alaska
( Datum: Mai 4th, 2005 um 4:07:29pm) |
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Hallo, ich fahre im August nach Alaska. Ich suche Informationen zum Mobilfunknetz in Alaska. Kann man auch außerhalb der Städte problemlos mit Handy telefonieren? Gruß Ute Sturm
leave the comforts behind !
Beiträge: 162
Re: Telefonieren in Alaska
(Antworten #2 Datum: Mai 11th, 2005 um 4:16:16pm) |
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ganz herzlichen Dank. Die Info ist außerodentlich hilfreich!!!! gespeichert
leave the comforts behind !
Beiträge: 162
Re: Telefonieren in Alaska
(Antworten #3 Datum: Mai 12th, 2005 um 9:51:31am) |
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der dank gebührt Peter Kamper für die informative homepage !!
gruß js
Re: Telefonieren in Alaska
(Antworten #4 Datum: August 31st, 2005 um 11:13:39am) |
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Wer meint, dass er ohne Handy nicht richtig glücklich ist:
"Dobson Cellular" errichtet zur Zeit ein GSM-Netz in Alaska. Das Ziel ist es, Touristen an den Hauptsehenswüridigkeiten mit einem Telekommunikationsnetz zu versorgen.
Gruss Tom gespeichert
Peter Kamper
leave the comforts behind !
Beiträge: 162
Re: Telefonieren in Alaska
(Antworten #6 Datum: September 1st, 2005 um 9:36:34am) |
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mehr infos gefällig ??
Ericsson and Dobson Cellular bring GSM/GPRS/EDGE north to Alaska
Date: Thursday, November 20 2003 Dobson Cellular has selected Ericsson as a key partner in upgrading its TDMA digital wireless network in Alaska with 850 MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE radio access equipment. In addition to the equipment, Ericsson will provide network and RF design, installation, engineering, testing support and optimization services. The USD eight million deal is an expansion of a contract signed in September 2002. The two-year agreement covers the Anchorage, Juneau, Ketchikan and Fairbanks markets and strengthens Dobson's position as the largest wireless service provider in the state. In addition, it maintains the carrier's continued seamless technology compatibility with its key roaming partners, which include AT&T Wireless and Cingular Wireless. "Ericsson looks forward to working with Dobson Cellular to bring advanced voice and data services to its customers and to the customers of its roaming partners," said Angel Ruiz, president and CEO of Ericsson in the U.S. "We're also excited because it illustrates how advanced wireless applications are permeating rural areas, making it truly possible for subscribers to stay connected all the time." "Based on our proven experience with Ericsson, we're confident that they will be an excellent partner in helping us bring GSM/GPRS wireless access to customers throughout Alaska," said Tim Duffy, senior vice president and chief technical officer for Dobson. "We fully expect the result of our collaboration to be the most powerful, feature-rich voice and data wireless network in the state." Ericsson GSM/GPRS/EDGE radio access equipment is fully integrated for the 850 MHz band. That distinction makes it easier and quicker to perform simple network maintenance and troubleshooting functions, thus reducing the cost of network operation. Ericsson's GSM macro base stations, which are easily upgraded to EDGE, represent more than 30 percent of all GSM base stations installed globally. Ericsson is shaping the future of Mobile and Broadband Internet communications through its continuous technology leadership. Providing innovative solutions in more than 140 countries, Ericsson is helping to create the most powerful communication companies in the world. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT James Borup, Ericsson Communications Phone: +46 8 719 0952; E-mail: Kathy Egan, Ericsson Inc. Corporate Communications Phone: +1-212-685-4030 Email: Glenn Sapadin, Ericsson Inc. Investor Relations Phone: +1-212-685-4030 Email:
Beiträge: 222
Re: Telefonieren in Alaska
(Antworten #7 Datum: September 2nd, 2005 um 12:28:02pm) |
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Hi Ute,
ich habe mich auch mit dem Gedanken gespielt mein Handy mit nach AK zu nehmen. Bin dann noch lieber auf Pre Paid Telefonkarten umgestiegen. Die kannst Du ueberall kaufen. Du waehlst einen Code und Deine Nummer in Deutschland, und dann kannst Du solange telefonieren wie Du Guthaben hast.
Gruss Balto gespeichert
Meister Yoda: "Dunkel die andere Seite ist...sehr dunkel..."
Obi-Wan: - "Sei ruhig Yoda, und iss endlich deinen Toast!"